Authority for the Anointing

Sozo Short Bible Study – Category #2 – Order & Authority

From 1st Corinthians, Chapter eleven, this lesson defines the metaphors regarding “The head of the man,” “husband/wife,” “women in ministry,” & more.

Introduction: This Short Study will look at First Corinthians, chapter eleven and define the metaphor regarding “the head of the man.” Paul stated that there is no male or female, Jew or Greek, in Christ since the Holy Spirit and the Gift of Grace are the great equalizers for all souls, giving each individual a purpose and mission as they grow “In Christ.”

So clarifying the meaning and application of those verses in Corinthians can set folks free to serve in whatever way that the Holy Ghost appoints and anoints them to do, rather than “re-yoke” them or inhibit what good work God has in mind, by telling them “to be silent.”

There were many “sisters” in leadership in the early Church, which are mentioned throughout the New Testament, something better understood when one gains knowledge of the origin of certain words used. So, let’s be certain we have properly acquired proper knowledge regarding metaphors and what they are truly offering to us in the way of a picture or example, prior to forming our man-made decisions and policies which affect the lives of our members.

Our responsibility in Leadership is to support the environment and teaching needed to help all members fulfill the call on their lives individually and corporately as the Body of Christ. Amen?

Authority for the Anointing

By Pastor G. Evan Newmyer

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one, in Christ Jesus.” – Galatians 3:28 (KJV)

To be Free in Christ: In examining carefully, First Corinthians Chapter Eleven, defining “the head of the man,” these verses can easily be defined, to set people free, rather than tell them to be silent. Get your Bible and leave it open it to First Corinthians 11:1-16 as we study:

Proverbs 25:2 tells us that the glory of God is to conceal a thing, but the honor of a king is to search out the matter. The Bible is full of metaphors, also known as “Word Pictures” or “Figures of Speech”;  they point to a subject in a manner letting us know what is being talked about, without really pointing to the matter.

Watching for Metaphors: For instance, if someone told us, “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch,” we would know that they were telling us,” not to count on something until it’s in hand.” Paul used many such metaphors and allegories. For example, in Galatians he talks about Hagar (Agar) and Ishmael; but we know that Hagar was a real person, not a mount. Yet Paul compares her to the mount (Gal 4:25). In Ephesians, he speaks of the husband and wife and then says, “This is a great mystery; but I speak concerning Christ and the church” (Eph 5:32). So it is as well, in First Corinthians chapter 11 and then again in chapter 14. If we consider that God is not partial, we can’t read chapters 11 or 14 without making God partial, without clarity on the meaning of the metaphors used.

For instance, we might think, regarding the context of chapter 11 (re:  “husband and wife), that the meaning excludes widows or single women, as well as widowers and single men. It might also indicate from our perspective, some strange figures. It might even appear as if the wife is lower than a second-class citizen, considering that according to some interpretations of these passages in Scripture, she can’t reach God except through her husband. So much for the “two shall be one.”

Meaning of Metaphors: If the head of the wife is the husband, yet the mouth of the wife is attached to the head, but the wife is to remain silent, this would mean that the mouth of the husband is to remain closed too. There must be more to this teaching than only what pertains to a husband and wife, especially when Paul tells the wives that they will learn more at home than they do in the gathering.

In First Corinthians 14:34 Paul says, “Let your women by silent“; and if we understand the metaphoric principle, this directive actually makes perfect sense. But if we think of Paul’s statement as pertaining to gender, it doesn’t make sense and we might only end up proving that we are carnal in our thinking.

Paul is using metaphors to make a point, a type of “tongue in cheek” humor; but only a carnal mind would reject “there is neither male nor female in Christ” for “let your women remain silent.” There is no conflict in the phrases, just conflict in the carnal mind trying to interpret those phrases.

More evidence to this is found in the word “woman” which is the Greek “Gune” meaning “a wife,” coming from the Greek “Ginomai” meaning  “To come to be,” used to show “childbearing.”  What is the point? If we make this section about gender, it would mean that only the married women are to remain silent, while the single women and widows can make all the noise they want or even run the aisles.

Authority, Power, Anointing: Another point is how this is placed between two areas when speaking of Communion, which means that the teaching is for the gathering. From, “We are the Bread,” to “Some are not worthy,” then showing that one can separate themselves from their covering. It all has to relate to why the Corinthians were carnal, yet they still had the Spirit.

The metaphor “Head” points to “Authority,” as does the metaphor “Name”; the metaphor “Horn” points to “Power,” while the metaphor “Hair” points to “the Anointing.” The context of this area in Corinthians is not “Power,” but “Authority.” Then looking at the Centurion in Scriptures, he was told that he had great faith based on his knowledge of Authority, not Power.

The disciples first received Authority but were told to wait for Power from on High. Power, when used outside of Authority, is considered to be rebellion; yet rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft. Authority is the granted permission to do something; while Power is the ability to carry out the Authority.

Paul begins with a simple request, “Follow Christ as he (Paul) does,” but this doesn’t mean to follow Paul, but rather to use Paul as an example. On the other hand, if Paul wasn’t married, what could Paul hold for the husband and wife?

Next, he tells them that he would praise them if they would “Remember” him in all things, connecting back to “following Christ as he does.”

Then he shows how he delivered ordinances, the Greek word for Ordinances is “Paradosis” meaning “Tradition, Doctrine of Ordinance,” but not in the same manner as the “Traditions of the Elders.” This is the manner in which the gathering is to operate. With verses 1 and 2, we can see how this pertains to the gathering; and adding chapter 14, we find that this is a sound rebuke to carnal leadership. The anointing wasn’t flowing; thus the congregation was to remain silent.

Paul is faced with a situation where his covering over a Body is being abused; thus part of the Communion service pertains to holding respect for members of the Body. Here we find that the Apostle (Paul) began the local body (Corinth), but even his covering couldn’t change or help them. Paul could have instructed them, but he couldn’t dominate them or force them to comply. The same is true when we read Acts 15; the letter sent to the Gentiles was Doctrine, but the apostles couldn’t force the Gentiles to follow the Doctrine. Carnal leaders always attempt to manipulate, dominate, or force the congregation to follow rules and regulations which they themselves can’t uphold.

A lack of authority doesn’t mean that the ones in question have a lack of power, which is evident here in Corinthians; thus, the congregation must remain silent or they shame their carnal leaders. Therefore, they still had the Power, but they were using it without the Authority covering them, placing them in rebellion. What to do? The Congregation had to remain silent; thus, for them to hold a meeting or rebuke the leaders would be just as much out of order as the carnal leadership.

When “Carnal rebukes carnal,” it still leaves things carnal. What is the answer? Communion is the key which Paul alludes to along with” letting them learn at home.” Ahh… go home, and enter your prayer closet. Right! So what then? Pray the carnal leader out? Pray them down? Pray them upside down? No; the individuals or groups in question can pray that their leadership gains clarity regarding what they are doing. The prayers can also include asking Jesus to bring His correction and edification to the leaders. It would appear that someone did this for the group at some point since Paul brought correction with his letters to the Corinthians.

The context is, that, “the leaders and congregation would be Moved by the anointing,” rather than the congregation attempting to “move the anointed.” Authority is an issue we hear little about, but here in Corinth, the problem wasn’t the devil, it was their lack of Authority. They had the Spirit, but they were carnal which explains Romans 8:1. (See KJV version of this Scripture.)

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit”

Here we find that these members were “in Christ,” since their “Head” is Christ; but nonetheless, they were carnal and minded the flesh. However, Paul followed Christ; thus, his first order of business was to get them to follow after Christ.

Authority differs depending on who grants it. We know that the devil gave his authority to the Beast of the Sea, as the Beast of the Earth uses the same authority (translated power in KJV). The false prophet knows he has power; but, it’s authority to do as he pleases, which he seeks. Why would the devil grant us the authority, to begin with? Why not just rebel? Oh, he uses authority to overthrow a higher authority.

In some countries, such as the United States, the people are used in certain forms of secular government. For instance, in the USA we have what is known as a Republic, which means citizens elect certain members to represent them in various areas of government. Thus, the people (voters) grant them the authority to act their behalf.

But what happens if they (the elected leaders) rebel? They were given power, but used it outside of the authority granted them; and then the people likely “re-call” them, to remove them from office. Thus, removing them from the place where they had authority and power. In the Kingdom, it’s not the way God does it, as Jesus told (Matt 20:25-28).

The Doma “gift” is given to the leader in the Office, and the office makes the person, it’s not the other way around. The error in Acts Chapter 1 was the attempt to replace Judas. The office forms the person, therein we find the so-called “Qualifications” are really indicators of the “office forming the person,” and therein we know the right person is in the right office.

With the metaphor “Head” referring to “Authority,” we find that “the issue” in these verses is “Authority”; thus, they had Power, but without the Authority in proper order, they were engaged in rebellion, or worse…. witchcraft.

The Authority of every Leader is Christ, the Rock, or the Anointing of the Office (I Cor 11:3, 10:4 & Eph 4:11). The Authority of the Congregation is the Leader; thus if the Leader places a false covering between them and Christ, they have separated themselves from Christ. Every leader who prays or prophesies with their head covered is shame to Christ. The idea is to place nothing artificial between the leader and Christ, and this has nothing to do with wearing a hat. What examples would be an artificial covering? How about strife, carnal-mindedness, ungodly division, using bits and pieces from the Law of Moses to gain favor from the Law…. all signs which Paul was fully aware of. John’s baptism was short; it ended with, “he was cast into prison,” and he became ineffective when Jesus said “Go” in His Name (Authority).

A man by the name of Apollos was a Jew born in Alexandria; the only thing he knew was the Baptism of John until Aquila and Priscilla instructed him in the Way of God more perfectly (Acts 18:24-28). Therefore, there were Gentiles being baptized under John’s baptism; yet John’s baptism didn’t grant anyone entrance into the Body. His (John’s) baptism was that “The people should believe”; but with the baptism we do, it’s mandatory for candidates to believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus (Acts 8:37). Therein we find one of the divisions which the Corinthians were debating, when they asked,” whose baptism was better, the one of Apollos, or Paul’s?” They never consider “why” they were baptized; and had they asked themselves that, they would have discovered the answer. The basis behind the phrase “Name of Jesus only” is based on this issue. To Paul the evidence was clear; the leaders couldn’t answer the division because they were the cause.

Some of us think that the Anointing comes with Power, and here Paul uses the metaphor “hair” for the Anointing (a metaphor taken from Samson’s experience). But the hair is a result of Authority. Hair is joined to the person; it’s part of them. If the congregation prays or prophesies with their “head” (Authority) uncovered, they dishonor their head (leader); yet, they don’t dishonor themselves. Even if this was husband and wife issue, the fault would still lie with the husband if the wife had “to remain silent.” The basis behind chapter 14 is “to pray and prophesy in the gathering”; and here it connects, if the leadership has separated themselves from their Head, the congregation is to remain silent.

The Covering: If the congregation is not “Covered,” it is as if they are shaven or in mourning for the dead. However, if it’s a shame for the congregation (wife) to be shaven, then let the head of the wife be covered. However, the husband (leader) should not cover his head (Christ) which would separate Christ from God and in turn result in separating the leader from the Authority of Christ.

Paul goes back to the Garden and we know all humans are “of the woman”; but Paul shows that “in the beginning,” the woman came from the man. The Woman was not covered by the tree; her husband just sat there and did nothing. When the congregation is left to fend for itself, demonic forces show up to devour the members. Therefore, the solution was for the Woman to learn at home, to pray and prophesy at home, since the gathering was so carnal, that it became a shame.

Then Paul connects the Hair, (Anointing) to the authority; for as the woman (congregation) is of the man (leader), the leaders were to judge in themselves,” if a man has long hair it’s a shame to him, but for the woman, it’s a glory.” Simply… the leader is not to worry about the anointing, but about the authority, keeping themselves close to Christ, which in turn keeps the Christ (Anointing) close to God (Jesus as God the Son as the Head of the Church). Then the authority will carry the anointing to the congregation, therein allowing the congregation to do the work of the ministry.

This then connects to chapter 14. “The Operations of God” for the local body is to be established by an Apostle, which if we are in the Body of Christ we are then, to have Doctrine by the hands of a Prophet; and if we have a Bible, we have the Doctrine delivered. Then next is the Teacher to teach the Doctrine, connecting back to chapter 11:1-2; and then the congregation will be in order. Following will be “miracles, gifts of healings, helps, governments, etc.,” all doing the proper administrations (I Cor 12:28).

We can’t read chapter 14 and not see that it has to do with praying and prophesying, yet that is the same connection we see in chapter 11. These have to connect, thereby showing that Paul was merely pointing to the leadership. If the authority is not in order (as they follow the prescribed attributes of the authority), the anointing will not reach the congregation. Thus, the congregation (as the wife,) must do what to not shame their leadership? Best for them to remain silent, as the Law says; and since the leadership is carnal, they require carnal ordinances, which are only found in the Law of Moses. It makes no sense for Paul to rebuke the Galatians for attempting to use the Law of Moses while telling the Corinthians to use it…..Unless the Corinthians were so carnal, they needed written rules and regulations to follow. In that case, the Law of Moses would apply. However, this also means that the leadership is stuck at the Cross where they have yet to reach the grave in order to gain authority over the flesh or the Resurrection, to have the Power of the Resurrection.

Putting the Yoke back on: Nonetheless, they had the Spirit (I Cor 3:16), but refused to be Spiritual in nature, the exact definition of “spiritual wickedness (iniquity)”. What to do? They had “The Keys,” and they had instructions of what to expect in the Spiritual realm. The “Government is the shoulder of Jesus” (Isa 9:6), the Yoke was broken from the shoulder (Isa 9:4), but the carnal leadership was putting the Yoke right back on.

The Yoke is destroyed by the anointing: Jesus said that the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him because He was “Anointed.” Isaiah 10:27 tells us that the Yoke is broken “Because of the anointing,” it’s not “the Yoke being broken and then the anointing.” Rather, the Yoke was destroyed by the anointing. If the Authority is in place, the anointing will flow; but if the carnal leadership places a carnal yoke between them and Christ, the anointing ceases to flow to the congregation.

The least we can do: There is an anointing in Mercy and one in Grace. The one in Grace is evidenced by the Seal of the Holy Spirit, and it’s “unto the saving of our souls.” However, the anointing in Mercy is vital, it pertains to the “least commandments” of Mercy which Jesus gave on the Mount of Olives. The Phrase, “least commandments” by the way, doesn’t mean that they are inferior, it means that these commandments are the least we can do.

Vessel of Honor: The difference between a vessel of honor and one of dishonor… is Mercy, not Grace (Rom 9:21-23). The disciples before the Cross operated in Mercy, not Grace since Grace was not granted until Pentecost.

What about Judas? Didn’t he have power and authority? Yes, Jesus gave both to him in Matthew 10:1-15. So did Judas always operate within the Authority? No, the authority was granted for the specific purposes of preaching “The kingdom of heaven is at hand “(not in hand): to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out devils; and all of that was limited to the Jews alone (Matt 10:8). It did not extend to taking from the bag or attempting to manipulate Jesus or to betray the Lord.

God’s Rule: We can see how this issue was so important to the Operations of the church in Corinth. Authority is a Theocracy issue, and the Corinthians were subject to a Roman rule but failed to see how they were expected to submit to God’s rule. We have one form of government in the secular world and another in the Kingdom. We must learn to separate the two or we will end up attempting to put one into the other, causing great confusion in our souls. If we attempt to use any aspect of the worldly form of government in the Body, we have caused a separation between Christ and God. When we fail at Theocracy we not only hurt ourselves, but we hurt others.

Spiritual to Spiritual: Issues of being Spiritual were also seen here; we know that the Corinthians prayed in the Spirit and that they spoke with “unknown tongues.” However, it takes more than speaking in unknown tongues to be spiritual. They spoke, they gave prophesy, but didn’t have a clue as to what the Spirit was saying. The Holy Ghost teaches by comparing Spiritual to Spiritual; thus the Holy Ghost is Spiritual and the New Man is Spiritual; but if our souls are not Spiritual, we will not gain a thing in the learning process.

The issue of Authority is a vital issue. Although we don’t attempt to use the world’s ways, we find that the world at times uses the ways of God. If a policeman used his badge to steal, we would call it a breach of his authority (& we would also call it stealing). A policeman has the right to arrest; and really, they can arrest anyone for anything, whether they can prove the crime or not. But if they do make an arrest, they will also have to answer to a higher authority.

Theocracy: Having the Power is one thing; using it outside of the Authority granted becomes rebellion, and is illegal. Theocracy is God’s form of government; He appoints leaders to serve, not dominate or manipulate. How the leader treats those under them or in their care, determines their reward. All this makes the saying, “Let your women remain silent” more important, and should break bondage. Since this rebuke is limited to the gathering, (an obvious point since it’s permitted for the women to learn at home), the conjunction is between leaders and congregation, rather than the individual relationship one has.

Purpose of the Assembly: We can also gain on what the phrase means, “forsake not the assembly” as some do, considering that Paul is telling the women to do just that….to go home and not be at the assembly. What? Sure, he tells them to remain silent and then learn at home, which means they didn’t learn a thing in the “assembly.” It’s not the assembly some have forsaken, but the purpose. We assemble to edify one another; we don’t come and say to the preacher, “Okay pal, teach me something.” We might say, “Ahh gee, I’m not getting edified,” having forgotten that we are there in the gathering in order to offer our support or, “To edify.”

What about the leaders? What are they there for? Well, the answer is, that it’s not to make the leader famous, or rich; rather it’s for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the Body “of Christ.” (Eph 4:12 – KJV)

“For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

The Corinthian leadership was using the position for self-importance, making carnal decisions based on their carnal thinking, which produced strife, envy, and division. Division is the opposite of comfort, strife the opposite of edification, and envy the opposite of exhortation. Paul saw many things wrong in Corinth, but these issues centered on Authority. This will be evident in Second Corinthians when they challenge Paul by attacking his authority in the same manner that Korah challenged Moses.

Authority: Since we’re looking at the Authority, (Head) we find that anyone can be given the position, yet along the way, allow some carnal ordnance or behavior to separate them from the Authority over them. Think about the Centurion; he kept authorities in their proper place. He didn’t tell the servant to fight, nor the soldier to serve food. Jesus called it Great Faith; thus an element of Faith is developing an understanding of Authority. Do you want Great Faith? Understand the proper use of Authority.

Since this teaching also reflects on the Lord’s Table, it will have a direct connection to why some are sick, weak or who die. When there is evidence of division in the ranks, it’s merely a clue to the separation taking place between Christ and God.

Some of these separations are seen as yokes or veils; and although the Veil was ripped from top to bottom, we find that some leaders can sew it back up from the bottom to top. Some veils are “strongholds,” or “traditions of men” made into doctrine, some carnal thinking, but when we place a veil, regardless of the veil into the forbidden place, we separate ourselves and the congregation from the anointing.

How do we know we’re talking about Authority? In verse 10 we read, “For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels”. The word Power is the Greek Exousia meaning Authority, but we also find the introduc­tion of “angels.” So, how did they get into this? The word “Angel” means a “Messenger”; thus, if the covering is in error, then the Message will be in error. Paul rightly suspects there are heresies among the Corinthians; division and carnal ego trips cause heresy.

The carnal mind always proves the point; when the carnal mind views these verses, they end with a dress code. The mere context tells us that this can’t be the case, or we would have a bunch of women with heads looking like men, which would be weird at best. Talk about a cult, a bunch of men with no heads, and women with heads like men. That would be a “Yikes and a half.”

Silent wives in a carnal church: Once we see that the context here is the ability to Pray and Prophecy within the congregation setting, we can also see why verse 14:34 goes directly to Prophecy and Prayer. It’s not Paul saying for the wives to be silent; rather it shows that the Woman (congregation) must remain silent in a carnal church, since it’s so carnal that every time they pray or prophecy they bring condemnation down on the leaders, as the leaders bring dishonor to Christ, thus producing a thicker Veil.

Beheaded for Jesus: The women (congregation) in Corinth couldn’t pray or prophecy; they had to remain silent, not because they did anything wrong, but because the leaders were carnal, in error, or had veiled Christ from God. This helps us under­stand the term “beheaded for Jesus”; if one had to be actually beheaded to make it, what about John? Or James the Less? Tho­mas? Peter? And many others who were not beheaded. The Greek text shows beheaded for Jesus is the same as we find here. It’s not saying that we have someone cut off our physical head; rather we be­come headless (void of any other authority, but the authority of Jesus) for Jesus.

Born of the Spirit Is Spirit: In this context we find, the “Mind of Christ” is in Christ; thus the Corinthians were rejecting the Mind of Christ for their natural carnal minds of intellec­tual­ism. When we give up our old “head,” we are giving up control of self-ability as we turn from being our own head to having the Head of the Body, which is Christ. This is another issue regarding being Born Again; when we were flesh we had our soul centered on flesh, or as Jesus put it, that “born of the flesh is flesh.” However, we now have Spirit; our souls are being formed by the Spirit to be Spiritual and thus that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.

The word “Pray” used in these verses means to “make a supplication” or “ask for the supply.” The word “Prophesy” means, “as an oracle of God in the meeting place.” If the woman’s head (leader) is uncovered, yet she prays or prophesies, she dishonors her head (leader).

This is the same knowledge which the Centurion had; so, surely we can get it, that if the leader has placed a false covering between Christ and God and the congregation begins to pray or prophesy, they dishonor their Leader.  Thus, Paul tells the Leaders to tell the Congregation (women) to remain silent. How do we know? The wording, “let Your women remain silent”, rather than “you women remain silent.” This is a clear rebuke to carnal leadership who had allowed doctrines of men or carnal rules or regulations to enter in.

Veil of separation: Doctrines of devils are not teaching about devils, it’s the teachings of devils. So then, what do devils teach? Surely teaching something which the devil said, can’t a “doctrine of the devil”, since it would make the Bible a “doctrine of devils.” Ouch, can’t be right, what then to devils teach? It is right here… the wrong cup. They teach unbelief and doubt. When anyone has to teach us “not to believe in something,” it’s a doctrine of the devil.  What is an example? Yes, we will read about two men who taught that the Resurrection had passed; but what Resurrection? Was Jesus resurrected from the dead? Yes, that is a pillar of our faith. However, the Resurrection of Jesus is the First Resurrection; it’s not complete until the “catching away,” which is before the 1,000 years. So what were the two men teaching? They were teaching others that the Rapture had passed, Paul called it blasphemy; their teaching was based in unbelief, thus becoming a doctrine of devils. The point made, is how some false doctrine (not Bible clear,) can become a veil of separation.

The first letter to the Corinthians is based on questions asked of Paul. What type of questions do you think they asked? Real deep spiritual ones? Hardly; they were questions of a carnal nature. These are answers to carnal questions, but they point to spiritual corrections; thus Paul is telling them “carnal minds want to know,” but “spiritual corrections will set you free.”

Test of Theocracy: This is the Test of True Theocracy. Are we in order? Look for the Glory on those under us. If Not? Look for the error in us: stop making excuses for our lack of Authority or Power. Could we have placed something of a carnal nature above us? Is there something binding us? Could it be that we are the ones needing to “bind the strongman?”

Paul moves right from the Covering to Communion; thus they relate. What good does it do to take Communion fifty times a day, if we go about with our Authority covered? The lack of covering on the woman’s head (leader) caused division, yet division is the mother of heresy. Paul shows in Scripture, that they (Corinthians) must have had heresy at work and that they had also separated themselves from Christ with envy among them; thus they must have been listening to the “spirit of the world,” even with “wars among them” over who baptized who.

Broken Body: Paul points to the night of betrayal, rather than the Night before the Cross; yet it was the same night. In the other three accounts of the last Passover, we do see Jesus Break, Bless and Give, but we don’t see Him saying “this is My Body bro­ken for you.” So, where did Paul get this? Where is the reference? “Tell me brother Paul, where does it say that?” Was the physical Body of Jesus broken? No, it was not….not one bone. His flesh was ripped, but was His Body broken?

When will this happen? Paul is warning the Corinthians about the danger of thinking that they are getting away with their folly now, yet not having to price later. As he told them, he wished & hoped that their “works” could get them through the fire, meaning he that he felt at the time, that they will face the fire on the last day with the rest of the world to be judged. (rather than having been with Christ already)

Communion: The “Broken bread” is the basis for the broken Body; those words which Paul used means “to rip a branch from the tree, or remove a limb.” “Being unworthy” simply means that the person doesn’t consider the Table of the Lord as holy; rather, it could be used as a social gathering.  Or some might even lack respect for it.

Communion is to “Remember” what the Lord did for us as a Body as well as individuals. For a complete study of Communion view the Sozo Short Study, “Communion & Passover” on this site.  For more information on Authority and how it connects to Power, view the Study “ Power and Authority” on this same site. Selah.

Note: The use of SOZO Bible Study Lessons, Newsletters, or Short Studies as written by Pastor G. Evan Newmyer prior to his passing from this world has been given to Ann M. Wolf by written permission from the author. This limited permission is given under clear agreement to share the material with others as the Spirit leads, for the purpose of “edification and encouragement,” on a free will offering basis (plus expenses) and while honoring the biblical principal to “teach the truth in love.” We ask then, that the desires of the original scribe (Rev. Newmyer) be honored and done so with respect to the copyright laws of the land and states. All rights are reserved. Read More.

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King James Version (KJV): For a greater understanding of these commentaries, please use the Authorized Version of the King James Bible for confirming the Scripture passages mentioned. Please see the article, “Why KJV” by Ann M. Wolf for information regarding why we use KJV.

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