Thou Art a King and a Priest * Part 2

Sozo Short Bible Studies – Category #2 – Order and Authority

This Study will look at our King and Priest positions, what they mean, how important they are in our Christian walk, and what can be the result if we fail to walk in these positions in the manner in which God intended.

In continuing with “Thou Art a King and a Priest” – Part 2….

By Rev. G. E. Newmyer

Manifested things of the flesh….”spirit of the man that lusts to envy”: In Galatians 5 we find two sides of the issue; first is the “manifested” things of the flesh, which are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envying, murder, drunkenness, reveling and the such (Gal 5:18-21). These are not the flesh, but things manifested, or the outward signs of the flesh being effective (yet to die). This is that area where James identifies the source as the, “spirit of man that lusts to envy.” Paul referred to this “nature” as “the old man,” and said, “The flesh lusts against the Spirit” (Gal 5:17).

That verse shows us that the flesh uses the mind to resist the Spirit; but the Spirit resists the flesh (Gal 5:17). The flesh demands place in a kingdom that it has no right to, since the Cross has imputed the flesh dead. Therefore, the Spirit considers the flesh ineffective, and “that which is in the past.”

As kings, we have the choice to accept the Spirit’s view or to accept the flesh’s view. The flesh is death; it is marching to the place where death reigns. But the Spirit is Life. Our souls are between, and we will be one with one or the other, but the choice is ours.

Outward signs of the Spirit: The outward signs of the Spirit are: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, “against such there is no law” (Gal 5:22-23). If we are Christ’s, then we have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof. If we put off the old man, we should have put off his deeds as well. As kings we have that authority, which….we can accept or reject.

How then do we gain the good, yet be void of the bad? In Romans 12:2 Paul said, “And be not conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”

The word “renew” has a prefix of “re”, meaning Again, as in “re-do”; but if we were born into sin, and go back to the old mind, wouldn’t that mean we would be taking the same old sinful mind again? That doesn’t seem right. The word Renew in Romans 12:2, comes from a Greek word that means,” To renovate”; and renovation means to restore to an early condition, or To impart new vigor, or To make new. All of these meanings pertain; and Jesus said we were to come to Him as little children. Thus we must reject all those worldly thought processes and be ready for a New Vigor.

The word Conformed is also interesting and gives us some real insight. As a baby we had done neither good nor evil since all babies are “Adam like” or like Adam before the fall. They are physical, with a flesh made of the elements of the earth that is a result of the reproduction process; and they have a soul that is a Creation from God. Thus as a baby, they are a “living soul”; so where does the sin thing come in? It comes from “Potential.”

We as humans are more likely to sin, since we have the potential to seek out the self, to use the flesh in order to get our own way. The brain is the storehouse and the soul is the real person. No amount of digging in the fossil finds with reveal the soul of a person, not even surgery. It’s the unseen element that makes us different; and it’s also the place where our mind, will, and emotions are housed.

“Measure of Faith”: The soul also has another element that does connect us to God; and that is known as, “the measure of faith.” That measure of faith has a particular love that is based on a Joy; it is the same as the sinless Love that defines God, but it is from God. The Living Soul with the measure of faith, are the elements that really separates man from the animals.

The flesh of a goat is made up from the elements of the earth, just as the flesh of man; but the goat doesn’t have the measure of faith. All this still pertains to kingdom rule and why we as kings must exercise our kingdom authority in accordance with the will of God.

In Romans the word Conform means to means “To fashion one’s self after something,” and that alone has to show how much authority we have. Paul is not writing to unbelievers, he is writing to “called of Jesus Christ” (Rom 1:6).

“Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ. To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.” – Romans 1:6-7

They were free of the world; but as kings they could form themselves to the things of the world. How can that be?… Via worldly furniture in the soul, and we need a renovation. The paradox in Romans 12:2 is like many we find in the Bible, and connects to the Paradox of forgiveness.

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” – Romans 12:2 (KJV)

If we conform to the things of the world, we do it ourselves; but Romans 12:2 then says, “Be you(ye) transformed,” which is allowing something to happen. If we conform ourselves to the world, we’re the ones doing it; but in order to “be transformed,” we must submit to the New Man. The word for Transformed is the same Greek word from which we get the English word Metamorphose, or the process of change from one form to another. Like the caterpillar who changes to the butterfly, we find that there is a metamorphose waiting us. However, we have the key; and we can keep the same old worldly junk in the soul, or we can submit to a life changing experience.

Romans 12:2 connects to Romans 12:1 (makes sense), and there we find the key is based in Mercy, as Paul says, “by the mercies of God”.

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” – Romans 12:1 (KJV)

Then, we see the key… “Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” The same Greek word used for Acceptable in Romans 12:2 was used in Romans 12:1 making the connection. The word Present means “To yield over to,” and shows submission, the same thing we find in the meaning of, “Be ye transformed,” The word Acceptable means “Well pleasing”; and it has the same meaning as “This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased.” The word Reasonable is the same word from which we get the English word Logical; and Romans 12:1 is the only place in the Bible where that word is found. The only Logical thing we can do is present ourselves a living sacrifice; but then we find two words that toss us… “Holy”, and “Living,” both of which need to be looked at.

Areas of holiness: Holiness has many areas; and the Tabernacle in the wilderness had three areas of holiness. The first one was when one gained entry into the courtyard, and that type of holiness was based on the sacrifice, not the person.

Then came the Holy Place, which was the first room in the tent; and therein one would find the Golden Altar of Incense, the Shewbread, and the Golden Candlestick. The holiness therein was based on one having the priesthood.

Then came the Holies of All, or Holy of Holies, and if there is a Holy of Holies, surely there are other holies. The Holy Place had the Golden Candlestick to provide the light; but the priests had to keep the oil in it and keep it dressed. In the Holiest of All, the only piece of furniture was the Ark of the Covenant; and God provided the Light therein. We have to keep in mind that there are various types of holiness, yet some of us think Holiness is a type of dress; but really we’re holy because God is dealing with us as His children.

The children in the wilderness were called Holy by God, so were they? They mocked the man of God, they made the golden calf, they tempted God some forty years; so are those acts of holiness? Not hardly, but God was dealing with them as His children, and they were holy by association.

In Romans 12:1-2 the association is clear; if we submit ourselves as sacrifices, we are in the act of death, which is accepting the Cross. Now let’s look at “the living thing”; how can we who are dead in sin, be alive? This can be “by Christ, the Cross is the place of death.” But these also grant us Life while the Resurrection that grants us “Life More Abundantly.”

The Key is in our hand: Once we have Life, we turn around and submit ourselves to the Lord as Living Sacrifices. This in turn, gives us the ability, power, and authority as kings, to renovate our minds by casting out the old worldly views and concepts.  Then as kings submitting to the Cross and Mercy of God, we can be transformed in the mind to become those who “think on those things acceptable to God” (Whew). Still kingly stuff… and as kings we have the power to say Yes, or No; we can say “I will accept the Cross, but I will not die to the self” or we can say, “I accept the Cross and submit to the Transforming process.” Whether, binding or loosing…. the key is in our hand.

Is kingdom management a faith issue? Sure; we want the Lord to look at our management and say, “Well done, My good and faithful servant.” What we don’t want, is for the Lord to say, “Ahh man, what happened?” And then for us to say, “Well it looked okay to me,” isn’t going to negate sloppy kingdom management. The real faith issue in kingdom management, is not that we know we have authority, but knowing we are under authority. At some point in time we must give account as to how we handled the kingdom given us. Thus it behooves us to understand proper kingdom management.

How much power and authority do we as kings have? Tremendous! Yet in the end we are accountable to the King of kings. If we in the kingdom are kings, who then, are our subjects? Certainly a kingdom without subjects is a poor excuse for a kingdom. In the world the subjects of a king are human; but in our kingdom, they are “things,” not humans (which we rule over). We just saw what some of those “things” are; but there are still more. For instance, we can ban wrath, anger, bitterness from our kingdom, yet grant entrance to joy and peace. These are issues here on earth, things relating to the kingdom of heaven; thus in the kingdom of heaven we have many kingdoms, but the Kingdom of God is One, since God is One.

We can allow into our kingdom, some points of the Law of Moses, and reject others; after all, it’s our kingdom and we rule. However, we know that the Law of Moses is not designed for those in the kingdom. If we allow a Law or Doctrine into the kingdom that is “outlawed” by the Higher Authority, then we in turn have become “outlaws” (those who make themselves law-less, or outside the law), which is not a good thing.

In reading this, don’t confuse the issue; we are not kings over the Kingdom of God; only God is King in that Kingdom. However, Jesus has made us kings, has He not? An example of this is found in the Book of Revelation wherein we find that there are at least seven churches. Yet Jesus said He “would build His Church (not churches) on the Rock.”

The Rock & the Body: The Rock is “The Body or the kingdom of heaven”; and within the Rock there are “churches many.” But “upon that Rock,” Jesus is building His Church. It’s a misnomer to think that all the Body is the Church, although the only way to be accepted into the Church is to be of the Body. Nonetheless, we find Jesus speaking to the seven churches; and more than one of them are found wanton. One church left its First Love for the Lord and engaged solely in its Second Love for mankind. They became “unequal” and Jesus tells them to repent or He will remove their candlestick (Rev 2:1-5). That sounds serious; and it is. The result would be, Jesus removing their Light and Position; but they still are kings and still have the authority to make things right.

What happens when Light is removed? Darkness reigns. They did many good things based on their second love; but they negated their first love. This same premise of being unequal is found in Matthew 7:21-22, and connects to the word Iniquity. Jesus never says, “Depart from Me, you that sinned”; nor does He say, “Depart from Me, you who failed at the Law of Moses.” But He does say, “Depart from Me you who work Iniquity.”

Iniquity is being unequal or unbalanced and it leads to sin; but really, it’s “a failure to do something that we are required to do.” Jesus said that not all those who come to Him will make it; but those who do the Will of the Father, will make it. Then we see…. the “Lord, Lord haven’t we” people,” show up saying that they used the Name of Jesus, showing they were of the Body; and they did many things, all of which we are told to do. Yet, these were told in the Scripture passages that they had also worked Iniquity; so, what gives? Like the church that did its second love, but failed at doing the first, we find that the “Lord, Lord haven’t we people,” did “things,” but refused to do the will of the Father.

So, it wasn’t “what they did,” but “what they didn’t do,” that created the problem. Not only that, but they worked at “not doing” the Will of the Father.

So, what is the Will of the Father? It is , “To forgive,” which brings us right back to Mercy. Paul talked about the vessels of honor and those of dishonor; and the only difference was Mercy (Rom 9:22-24). The vessels of honor are also known as the “vessels of mercy”; thus the vessels of dishonor failed to do the will of the Father.

Wow, does that mean that if we fail once at mercy, we’re done for? Hardly; these people “work” at it. They can seem to work harder at not granting mercy, then the vessels of honor do granting it. The real key is “Potential.” Once we come to Jesus, we have tons of Potential; but we must allow that Potential to work.

Submission to the New Man: Is this another paradox? Yeah! Why not; when we were born into the world we had the potential to sin; and we did. Now we are Born Again and have the Potential to be free of sin. Just as it took submission to allow the darkness to rule over us, it’s going to take “submission to the New Man” for our Light to shine.

In Romans we find that before Jacob or his brother Esau had done any good or evil, God hated Esau, but loved Jacob (Rom 9:11). How can this be? Can a God who is love, actually hate? Sure; God is Love, but He’s not stupid. God knew Esau would do something so awful that it would cause God to hate him. What could that be? Idol worship? Something worse than that; and something that points to the difference between a good loyal king and a bad one. Esau never appreciated his birthright; yet Jacob wanted that birthright more than he wanted life. Esau was “given” something that no other person in the world had, as the firstborn of Jacob; yet he considered it not as costly as one meal for the flesh.

In Hebrews 12:14, we are told to follow Peace with all men and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. What happened to Born Again? What happened to the Spirit? Right there, our Gospel is the Gospel of Peace; and Peace with God can only be obtained in our Season by the Spirit of Christ within. The True Holiness (Holy of Holies) in our Season can only be obtained by being Born Again and having the New Man, who was created (or formed same meaning in the Greek) after God’s True Holiness. This is more related to the priestly order, but it also connects to kingdom authority. We as kings can remain in the Courtyard, or we can make the decision to venture forth into the Holy Place, and transformed into the Holiest of All.

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” – Hebrews 12:14 (KJV)

The first premise in Hebrews 12:14 is to “Follow”; and in order to “Follow after,” we must be Born Again. What has that to do with Esau? Much; and in Hebrews 12:15 we read, “Looking diligently”; what does that mean?

“Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.” – Hebrews 12:15 (KJV)

The phrase “looking diligently” in the Greek means, To look upon (makes sense); but it also means, “To take the oversight of.” It was the same word which Peter used in the phrase, “feed the flock of God which is among you taking the oversight….”; thus it does connect to kingdom principles.

In Hebrews 12:15 we are told to beware least any man “fail of” (fall from) the Grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled…. This wasn’t written in reference to something which could defile many in the future; this verse shows that many were defiled at that time, as a result of something they did. This was also something Esau did, but what was it?

Wickedness: The word “Springing,” means to Beget, or birth something. The word Up means “To elevate or give rule to,” and in this case, it’s giving up one’s Godly Birth to bring about another one that is bitter and corrupt. Bitterness is a metaphor pointing to extreme wickedness, something which someone has to work at in order to become. If one is a “son of perdition” they are birthed again into perdition. However, we in the Body all left perdition behind (the world); and we are seeking to be rid of the things of the world, not use them as some religious crown. Those who commit a like act as Esau, lack something, which includes appreciation for all that God went through to grant us the New Birth.

This also connects back to Mercy; if we fail at Mercy, we will lose our grip on Grace. This is not being said to scare any one, but it does wake us up. We have the unique power of the “split second”… that moment in time we have “to allow, or disallow.” If we “Renovate the house,” we also are in the process of “removing”; thus we can evict uncontrolled anger and accept Peace. That split second then gives us the choice to reach back and use that uncontrolled anger, or to choose to use the New Peace. Above all, we honor and appreciate the Birth Right that Jesus granted us, the New Birth is vital; it’s not something to be taken lightly.

“Fornication”; warning against…selling the birthright: This Esau connection is also found in Hebrews 12:16, as we read, “lest there be any fornicator or profane person as Esau.” What? Fornication? The metaphoric meaning of a Fornicator in this sense goes to the definition of the word.  Adultery is when one partner in a marriage or espoused marriage has a relationship with someone other than their mate or espoused mate (as we saw). A Fornicator is someone who gives their self, or sells their self to the lust of another.  In Esau’s case it was giving up his birthright based on his own lust. He committed fornication against the Promise God gave Abraham; thus for Esau, it was an “it,” that he should have diligently sought after.

“Profanity”; warning against ungodly disregard for the “blessing of the birthright”: The wording “Profane Person” in the Greek, means Common or Ungodly; but what did Esau do? He sold his birthright for a lust and , when he knew what that entailed, he found no place of repentance, or better said… he lacked a “standing to repent “(Rev 12:17).

Did God “hate” Esau? Did Esau have the power to sell his birthright? Sure he did it; but it was based on some lust in him. He lacked respect for the birthright at that moment and his lust caused a callus behavior and disregard for all that went into that birthright. At that moment, the only thing he thought of, was his flesh; yet that hunger would pass, while his birthright would have been for a lifetime. When it came time to receive the “blessing of the birthright,” Esau begged, cried, and sought it; but since he had given away his birthright, he had no position from which to repent. God knew Esau would sell his birthright just to satisfy the flesh, and that caused God to hate him.

“Perdition”; warning against the refusal to cast off the old man: As a king we can reject our Position or Birthright by refusing to cast off the old man and then turn around and use the same old man to chase after something….this is so unjust, that it’s called Perdition. On the same note we as kings have the right to hand over our rule to Jesus, just as Abraham was willing to hand over his promised son. The question becomes…. if we are Born Again, do we really appreciate all which that entails?

Golden Opportunity: As kings we have been given the authority by Jesus to rule in our kingdom, but do we become independent? Or are we dependent on Jesus? All things are under the feet of Jesus, His Authority (Name) is above all authorities (Names), but it’s not above Jesus.

We as members of the Body of Christ are “over all things” as well; but we’re not over Jesus. We have the golden opportunity to not only believe in that Name, but be enfolded into it…that is…. as long as we keep things in their proper order and not elevate things above that which God has.

If “things” are not in their proper order….Paul called this, “exalted above measure”, which actually means “not exalted at all.” Situations “above measure” are those which produce the problems. This dilemma is two-fold; we can refuse to exalt that which God has given us, which would be error, or we can take something and exalt above measure and if we do…we would also be found in error as well.

Keeping the Things of God “In Order”: To maintain “Things in Order,” takes a kingly insight that can only come when one has the Clarity obtained as a result of being Born Again. The Anointing is important, but it’s not “a god.” The Glory is important, but it’s not “a god”. Keep things in their proper Order.

Warnings to the churches in the Book of Revelation: The church of Ephesus in the Book of Revelation had the authority to move from their First Love to their Second and in so doing they became unequal. Jesus warned them of the result, but He didn’t make them obey (Rev 2:5).

The church of Pergamos had members who held the Doctrine of Balaam, and let’s remember that Balaam taught Balak to cast a stumbling block before the children; he didn’t prophesy about it… he taught it (Rev 2:14). Balaam’s prophecies weren’t the problem; it was his teaching. He moved outside of his “called position” to a “self-made” one for a “self-benefit” which became “self-promotional.” He used his knowledge in an evil way against the people of God; and although he didn’t destroy the children, he did cause them many problems.

Yet, in Revelation, Jesus didn’t force those of Pergamos to toss out the Balaam doctrine or the Balaams; but He did tell them what would happen if they didn’t. The Choice was theirs, yet the final judgment would be in the hands of Jesus.

Gates of Hell: Any time we place hindrances before the children of God we have invoked “a gate of hell.” Gates are not Doors; and gates are not offensive weapons (unless we take it off the hinge). Rather, gates are used to keep things out or to keep things in; but they also force people to find other directions when they discover that their rightful pathway has been blocked by a gate. When we put a gate of hell in place, we are causing division and separation; and we’re doing it based on our lust for envy and strife.

The Wilderness….the place of training: So, why didn’t Jesus just remove those who held to the Doctrine of Balaam as mentioned in Revelation? The answer to that question is, that could not, because doing so would violate the kingdom rules. Jesus said, “This is My Body, Take,” which when coupled with taking the Keys… was giving us The Rock. However, He also said, “This is My Blood of the New Testament.” The Body is that place “between places”; it’s not of the Old Testament and it’s not fully The New. It’s “the wilderness,” the place of training. The Rock was being formed and established before Pentecost; but “The Church” didn’t begin until Pentecost. When Jesus said, “upon this Rock” it was a present tense statement at that time; but then He added, “I will build,” pointing to a future event. The Father grants us permission by the Cross to enter the Rock where we become “fishers of men.” However, the Church which is “being built” on the Rock is fully in the hands of Jesus. Therefore, Jesus could warn the churches, but He would not force change.

The gates of hell shall not prevail: The Church (being built within us by the Spirit)… will remain United by the Spirit, in the Faith.

Peter…a Piece of the Rock: We know that Peter was a Piece of the Rock, but not the entire Rock. We also know that James, John, and the others were also Pieces of the Rock. Along with them was Judas who was an independent piece of the Rock. Judas like Balaam had authority, but both refused to face their own nature. Judas was convinced that he was doing the right thing; and Balaam was convinced that he was doing the permissible thing.

Don’t forget the angel in the pathway of Balaam who had the sword. That angel was sent to stop Balaam, so when Balaam began to teach Balak, he noted that there was no angel to stop him then…. so he allowed his own mind to convince himself that what he was doing “was permissible.” But, he was wrong; and he really knew better. His calling was that of a prophet, not a teacher. He had the prior warning, he didn’t need fifty.

Mount Zion: So, does this still relate to Esau? You bet; back in Hebrews right after we find the “Esau mindset,” we read, “For you have not come unto the mount…” (Heb 12:18). What is the Rock equated to? This would be….Mount Zion, the mount upon which the city of Jerusalem is built; thus Esau rejected his “mother” (Zion) and lost his position (standing) for repentance.

Jerusalem of the earth was built by man on Mount Zion; and Mount Zion was formed by the Hand of God. However, New Jerusalem is built by Jesus; and it sits on heavenly Mount Zion, which is that Rock and Body that we form.

Jesus never cast the net; He told us to. Jesus also told us to go into the Field; thus once we enter the Bod,y we have the Name of Jesus, and from that Authority we can bring others into the Body. For that reason we are the ones who baptize others in water.

Entrance into the Church from the Body: However….the pre-requisite for entry into (The Church) is having the Spirit; thus, for this, Jesus will baptize us with the Spirit (Gift of the Holy Ghost).

Once Esau gave up his birthright, he lost any position in the family order he may have had; thus he lost his standing to repent “to the father” of the family. It was over for him; he knew at that point, that there was no place for repentance and the birthright was lost to him forever.

Birthright by Adoption: We are called “unto repentance”; then we’re given our Birthright by Adoption. Yet any of us can “divorce” or “Separate” ourselves from that Birthright (Jude 19).

“These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.” – Jude 19 (KJV)

Our kingly order must search out our kingdom for traitors, thieves, unwanted elements, outlaws, and bandits. The method given for this responsibility is to “Examine ourselves” (I Cor 11:28)……

“But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.”

Bringing the kingdom of heaven and the Kingdom of God into alliance:  We join forces with the New Man; and we bring the kingdom of heaven and the Kingdom of God into alliance. We allow the New Man to search our estate, to go throughout our kingdom looking for intruders or unwanted elements, and then report to us, any findings. We in turn, join to the New Man for “the eviction and removal” of those unwanted elements. If we trust in our own intellect to detect the unwanted…. we will use the old man to search out the kingdom, which is not very wise, and really, a misuse of kingdom authority.

What would be another example of misusing kingdom position? How about the classic….. Adam and Eve? When Adam was in the Garden, he was in charge; he named the animals and ruled. Yet, he was man “under authority.” He had two Commandments from God, showing God as the Supreme King, which is still the case with all kings. Nonetheless Adam named the animals whatever he desired; and he could eat of any tree, except of course… of the fruit on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He could look at that tree and touch it, water it, paint it, even prune it; but he was not to eat of the fruit thereof.

However, after the fall, what happened? “Cursed is the ground for your sake, in sorrow shall you eat of it all the days of your life; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to you, and you shall eat the herb of the field” (Gen 3:17-18).

From king to servant…. the kingdom became cursed. Rather than the ground yielding to Adam, it was now dominant over him; and the ground would rule with thorns and thistles.

How about Eve? Before the fall she was “bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh,” a Partner in the affairs of the Garden; but then, “in sorrow you shall bring forth children, and your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you” (Gen 3:16). They lost their authority and were banished from the kingdom (Garden) and found themselves in a hostile environment. The first thing they attempted to do was regain entry by their own power and ability. After the fall, Adam named his wife “Eve” or Life; and in so doing, he was making the claim, that from her would come Life (Gen 3:20). What did Adam lose? It was Life. In dying he would die; thus he attempted to be the king again and “call something that was not to him, as a were.” However, he lacked a Godly premise, and so, his actions availed him nothing.

Adam and Eve found no place for repentance, although they sought after it. Before the Fall, Adam had not sinned; the potential to sin was there, but not the act. But, when he used his kingdom rule to overthrow the rule of God, he placed his “life” on the line, and lost his position and fell.

Victory “over the people” or….Victory “for the people”? The Doctrine of Christ is one doctrine; but can we fall for other doctrines? If so, does that jeopardize our position? Pergamos was found to be, as a type of “Korah situation”; there were those who held to the Doctrine of Balaam as well as those who held to the Doctrine of the Nicolaitanes and both Doctrines run hand in hand.

The words Nicolaitanes means “Victory over the people,” while the name “Nicodemus” means “Victory for the people.” Tricks, manipulation, threats, or the use of such things to keep people captive… are all deeds of the Nicolaitanes. Even “Godly things” used in an ungodly manner, become Nicolatiane in nature.

The Doctrine of Balaam placed stumbling blocks; while the Doctrine of the Nicolaitanes taught others how to control people. Both are enemies of Jesus, and He will fight against them (Rev 2:16)….

“Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.”

That sounds cool; but wait! If we allow those doctrines into our kingdom, does that mean Jesus will fight our kingdom? You bet; and that is the point isn’t it?

Jezebel: Thyatira had the Jezebels and Jezebel was a queen in Israel; thus she relates to kingdom rule as well. Jezebel was not Jewish; she “married into the nation” via joining in matrimony with king Ahab. Jezebel coached Ahab regarding how to build idols; and Ahab made a “grove” (place of idol worship), and “provoked the Lord” (I Kings 16:32-33).

This king allowed someone to corrupt his thinking; but… everyone is led away by their own lusts. As kings we can vacate the “lust of the eye,” or we can close it up in the castle basement. If we close it in the castle, the day will come when it will escape. Jezebel merely enticed the lusts of Ahab and used them for her benefit. A “Jezebel prophet” will do just that, they prophesy to lusts and entice the pride of the person. Of course the Jezebel will call it “edification”; but in truth they are merely enticing the lust of someone to make them a slave of corruption.

Jezebel did come from royalty; she was the daughter of Ethball the king of the Zidonians (I Kings 16:31). Nonetheless she was not “of the nation”; and so, she became the self-appointed prophetess who taught God’s servants to commit fornication (giving themselves over to a lust).

Jezebel’s father reared up an altar in Samaria for the worship of Baal; thus she was the daughter of an idol worshiper and Abraham was the son of an idol maker. The difference here is not gender, but what each one did. Abraham left his father’s house and sought after God, while Jezebel attempted to bring her idol worshipping father’s house into the House of the Lord. Then when the prophet of God came on the scene, she refused to honor the prophet’s position and sent a threatening letter to the prophet (I Kings 19:1-2). The self-appointed only honor those, who can do them good; but they fail to honor those to whom honor is due.

Receiving the blessed Correction of the Lord: Each of the seven churches were given Guidance and Clarity (Revelation); and what they were doing, good or evil, was exposed in the verses. But they were also told how to continue in the good or to dispose of the evil. Nonetheless, in each case, it was left up to the people in the church to act. They were kings and thus, it was their kingdom. In essence, the Lord is the Elder granting Wisdom; but the ability to act remains/remained in the hands of each of the churches in that Rock.

The Correction of the Lord is based in clarity; the warning, “to repent for failure” is clear. But also, clear is the reward for obeying the call and restoring the house to its rightful glory.

Of the seven churches…we see that the Lord does not humble them, He does not repent for them, and He does not force correction. Our own kingdom is no different; God will send correction, but it’s up to us to put that correction into an action. In any case, Jesus is the ultimate judge; and it’s far wiser to “Hear what the Spirit is saying” and obey the voice of the Lord, than to face that double-edged Sword.

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that over-cometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knowth saving he that receiveth it.” – Revelation 2:17 (KJV)

We find that the “premise of correction” is found in the Temple cleanings; but did the cleanings cure the problem? No. Did the cleanings expose the problem? Yes; thus after the exposure, it was up to those in charge of the Temple to clean it, or lose it.

Submitting to Transformation:  None of this means that we’re hanging from a thread, dangling over the fires of hell; but it does show the amount of authority which a king in the kingdom has. A king doesn’t “do”; a king “makes decisions” regarding what must be done. We are not to run about like Chicken Little looking for some wicked thing to crawl out from under the city wall; but we are to be aware of the “old things” from the world that may have hitched a ride on our glory train. Renovation of the mind removes the Ahab potential to make idols and provoke the Lord. Submission to “Transforming” fills the soul with the things of the Lord, to make us acceptable.

Banishing the ungodly elements from our kingdom: Having said that, we now get down to business…. Paul said, “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking Be Put Away from you, with all malice” (Eph 4:31). Yes, “let it be put away” indeed, which reminds us that we have the authority to keep a trait, or surrender it.

Once we make that decision to banish something which no longer belongs, we send the decree forth. Then, as a result, all these enemies of the Crown must vacate the kingdom. Right. But, do we think “these” will immediately leave? Or will we hear…“Where would we go? Hey! Wait! You have been our friend.” These things which we have “ordered out” will begin to attract us with those feelings again, tempting us with pride, arrogance, and personal success. However, we are kings; and we made the decree….and they shall leave.

What else must go in the Renovation? This would be…whatever the old man uses, including any false Doctrines, all imaginations, any gates of hell or restricting (hindering) elements that block our vision or that of others, toward the goal, that goal being, “even the salvation of our souls.”

“Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.” – 1 Peter:9 (KJV)

A king and priest, separate in function, yet connected by the Spirit: Now we move to another area, that of being a priest. A king and a priest are very different; perhaps that is why God separated them. In our case, they are linked by the Spirit; and we are not going to function in either role in a Godly manner, without the Spirit. The only way we are going to keep those two positions separate, yet joined, is by the Word (Spirit/Jesus) in us, dividing and separating for clarity.

A priest ministers and a king rules, which are two completely different elements/functions. The religious rulers mixed up those premises; and they felt that they had to rule, rather than minister. In their case, they had Commandments ordering them to “take tithe” as well as “enforce the rules,” which means they also had to induce punishment.

So, the fault in the Old was not with the Old itself, but with those who administered it. The Old came from God, but was directed at a carnal people who lacked Faith as well as to those who had more of a potential to sin, then not. However, the New is sent to help us leave the Old behind and enjoy the New as Spiritual Children of the Day.

What does a priest do? So, what does a priest do? Well, a priest does “priestly things.” Yeah, okay, like what? We know a priest prepares a sacrifice and then presents it; however, we also know that Jesus as our Sacrifice, was prepared from the foundation of the world and was presented on the Cross as well as presented before the Father.

Now we see how Romans 12:1 plays a part, informing us of elements of what we as priests, are to do….. “Present yourselves a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service”.

We know we are holy, simply because we are in the Body of Christ and because God is dealing with us. Yet, there is more to it.

“For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the Shewbread; which is called the sanctuary.” – Hebrews 9:2 (KJV)

Within the holy place (Sanctuary – Heb 9:2,) we find three articles, starting with the menorah (golden candlestick) with the seven bowls, one for each church. We have to view each of the seven letters to determine if we have left our first love or if we have received some Balaam Doctrine, or if we have allowed ourselves to fall into a mode of manipulation to get people to do what we want. Have we received one position, but become self-appointed in another? Have we misread prophecy and determined that we have become something which God has not called us to? We need to know our Calling and not be like Balaam who moved from his calling, to a self-appointed area for the sake of self-benefit.

In the Holy Place we also find the Shewbread and the table it sits on; then we find the golden altar of incense. The golden altar of incense represents the prayers of the saints; thus as a priest, one of our functions is to pray for the saints and pray as a saint. In the latter days the prayers of the saints are poured out on the earth and that doesn’t mean the prayers of the saints are “plagues”; it means that those prayers are so holy (when they hit the “air” where the prince of the power of the air reigned), that the same air becomes the plagues. We are to pray in the Spirit to build our most holy faith. We are to pray so we can Stand; then after we have done all to Stand… we Stand therefore, for the rest of the Body.

The Shewbread and Table in the Holy Place are also important. Jesus said He was not the Manna, but the True Bread from heaven. The Shewbread was not made from manna; rather the priests would visit the cities around the wilderness and buy the best flour available. The Manna was a God given provision, but its life span was short indeed. The Shewbread cost the children something; the Manna did not. The “table” for the Bread was the support and represented the Lord’s Table. One of our priestly duties is found in Communion, which is the remembering of the Sacrifice.

The Shewbread represented the twelve tribes; in our case it represents the Body and the twelve Apostle positions (not the men, but the positions). Apostles give us Commandment and Doctrine while the Prophets deliver the Doctrine; and the Teachers, teach it.

The Doctrine of Christ: The Doctrine of the Apostles is the Doctrine of Christ. In this, they did not differ; and our Doctrine should not differ either. As priests we maintain correctness in the Order granted us; and part of that order entails the removal of any separating elements between man and God, not that we stand between man and God, rather we make sure we don’t.

Every item in the Tabernacle was a shadow of something pertaining to our priesthood; even Aaron’s rod that budded is a type of Resurrection (Heb 9:4). That rod was separated from the Almond tree and appeared dead; yet when God touched it and “Life” came back to that which was dead. Our hope is to be partakers of the First Resurrection; and the assurance we hold, is having the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.

The Two cherubims over the Mercy seat are also a sign regarding God’s Mercy during the Seasons of the Day and Night; yet His Grace is only for the Day (Heb 9:5). We as priests of the Day must keep the Greater Light burning; we must not mix the Lesser Light into the Greater. Balaam taught Balak about the end times in a way that allowed Balak to introduce idols to the children through the women of Moab (Numb 24:14 & 25:1). Balaam introduced a type of “strange fire,” something that was correct, but used in an evil manner. We must make sure we are not tossing strange fire into the Sanctuary.

The priests under the Old, had garments; and their garments defined their role, while also serving as protection. Aaron was protected by the “covering” of his garment; and when the garment was removed, he died. Under Aaron’s garment was a carnal man who used natural reasoning, since that was what he was and all that he had.

The nature of man is the nature of man; and the Nature of God is the Nature of God. As priests, we leave the nature of man at the Cross and clothe ourselves in the Nature of God. We put on the New Man as our Covering and Protection. The Armor of God is the New Man; and the New Man is a type of our Priestly Garment, covering us in Truth, Holiness, and Righteousness. Then there is the preparation of the Gospel of Peace, Faith, Salvation, and the preceding Word of God; and we speak Grace to the hearers … all products of being Born Again (Eph 4:29 & 6:14-17).

We as priests search out the holy place and make sure there is no leaven, just as the New Man examines the kingdom. As priests we let no corrupt communication proceed out of our mouths, and we grieve not the Holy Spirit of God; we let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking to be put away from us before we engage in our priestly duties. We remain kind to one another, tenderhearted, and especially as priests, we forgive as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven us. This also connects to our kingly order; we ban bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking from our kingdom.

Our High Priest: Jesus as the Lion from the Tribe of Judah had a right to the throne of David by bloodline; but what about the priesthood? Clearly the only priesthood authorized by God was the Levitical, or was it? Could there have been one earlier? Under the Levitical Order the priests would die, and new ones appointed; but we find a priesthood that has a High Priest that remains as such “forever” and His priests have Life and have it More Abundantly (Heb 7:24)…

“But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood.”

Herein we also find that our holiness is in Jesus, not in our deeds. Our High Priest is Holy, Harmless, Undefiled, Separate from sinners, and made Higher than the heavens, who need not daily,(as those high priests under the Levitical) to offer up sacrifice, first for their own sins, and then for the people’s.

For this, our High Priest, did Once when He offered Himself (Heb 7:26-27). Our High Priest was without sin, but took on sin for us; we accepted His Sacrifice, which was/is something that the high priest under the Levitical could not do. Our High Priest presented Himself a Sacrifice before God the Father, on our behalf…also, something that the high priest under the Levitical could not do. Our High Priest intercedes Continually, without Ceasing, something no priest or high priest under the Levitical order could do…not that the Levitical Law was evil, only that it was lacking, in that it could not provide Life beyond death, only a “manner of life”… until death.

The Levitical could not eradicate sin; it could only balance it with the death of innocent animals. The New brings Forgiveness from/via the Innocence of Jesus and Remission of Sin comes by the Blood of Jesus, something the Levitical was completely incapable of.

Our High Priest sits on the right hand side of Majesty on high, showing that He is equal to the Father, and He is a Minister of the true and living Sanctuary and One of the True Tabernacle, which the Lord has pitched (Heb 8:1-2). However, our first place of business is not the Courtyard, which is the place of Judgment, but in the Holy Place, where we accomplish the “service of God” (Heb 9:6).

Under the Old, the blood of the animal sacrifices was not only sprinkled in the holy of holies, but also in the Holy Place. Since our place of service is really the Holy Place, how much better is the Blood of Christ over the blood of bulls and goats? (Heb 9:13-14). The place where we do Service is Holy by the Sprinkling of the Blood of Jesus, making us holy.

The “Ashes of the Red Heifer” were used to purify the altar, and the Blood of Jesus has purified our Conscience from dead works (Heb 9:14). There is no need for a priest to seek out, or do acts of self-righteousness, we as the priests under the New Order for the New Covenant are made righteous by Christ in us, the hope of glory (Eph 4:24 & Heb 1:7-8).

This New Covenant called for many things, a New Law for the New Nature, in a New people who are Born of the Spirit. That New Law made a great change; it allowed for one to be both priest and king. Yet, the New Law itself came about because of the change in Priesthood (Heb 7:12)….

“For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change, also of the law.”

As priests of the New, we are not barred from the Holies of Holies as were the priests under the Levitical; rather, we have Boldness by the Faith of Jesus and we have Access by the Spirit, through the Blood of Christ, to come to the Throne of Grace to obtain Mercy (Mercy Seat), and Find Grace in that time of need (Heb 4:16)…

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

Even the high priests under the Old were barred from entry into the holies, except for one day a year; and at that, he had to make atonement for his own sins first. We are covered by the Blood of Jesus (and there is never any Atonement without Blood); yet what better Atonement is there, than the Blood of Christ?

We minister by the Word in us, not by our opinions, or carnal intellect (Heb 4:11-13). Our ministry as priests, is Spiritual in nature and in Order. The priests under the Old had tons of manuals instructing them how to operate; and even something as simple as a “heave offering” had all sorts of steps.

In our case, our Service is generally given in the New; but the specifics are written on our hearts. We are a special people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation (Body of Christ), called out of darkness into the glorious Light of Christ (I Pet 2:9).

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

A Lamb without blemish: We are not redeemed with corruptible (dead or without life) “things,” but with the Precious Blood of Christ, as a Lamb without blemish or spot, presented as the most perfect Sacrifice of all; and that Sacrifice was for our benefit.

One of the duties of the priests under the Old was to inspect the sacrifices of the people; and if the sacrifice appeared to the priests to be unacceptable, they would reject it. However, their investigation was limited to their senses alone. Jesus was inspected by the Father, who said, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased,” and sent the Holy Spirit as a Dove, showing the acceptance.

Then later, Jesus was inspected by the entire nation of Israel when He rode into Jerusalem; and the people accepted Him by shouting, “Blessed be the King that comes in the Name of the Lord.” Then Pilate, as a representative of the Gentiles, said he could find no fault in Jesus; thus he (Pilate) accepted the Sacrifice on behalf of the Gentiles. The devil himself could find no fault whatsoever and therefore had nothing to accuse Jesus with, not one self-element, not one small item of disobedience, not one sin in any degree.  All the animals sacrificed for all time couldn’t come close to the shadow of the Greatness of the Sacrifice of Jesus, which Sacrifice we as priests minister by. Regardless of anything else, this we know – no matter what we do for Jesus, it will never come close to what He did for us.

Having said that, do we have an Order? Yes, and it’s based in a man that Abraham ran into on the way back from rescuing Lot. The Book of Hebrews tells us that our Order is the “Order of Melchisedec,” not the man, but the Order. Don’t confuse that, because it wasn’t the man, but what the man did that became the Order (Heb 7:21)….

“Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.”

Going all the way back to Genesis, we find that Abram, later to be known as Abraham, was a man who heard God and obeyed. In the Book of Hebrews, Abram is referred to as Abraham; but here in Genesis we find that the man was still Abram when he ran into Melchisedec (Greek for the Hebrew Melchizedek).

Could Hebrews be wrong? No, not at all; the Book of Hebrews is pointing to Abraham, thus showing that there were elements regarding the man that displayed his belief, of which belief granted him “imputed righteousness.”

The Book of Genesis shows that God made covenant with Abram and with Abraham (Gen 12:2-3 & 15:6-15). With “Abram,” it was with regard to the physical seed of Israel yet to come. But, with “Abraham,” it was the Seed as One; and that One is Christ. Abram did meet Melchizedek; but that meeting led to something else and then on to a point where Abraham became the called out one based on his belief. Therefore, the Book of Hebrews is not in error; rather it is teaching us more about the man Abraham (Gen 15:6).

Abram rescued Lot, that much we know; then upon the return, he ran into the king of Sodom, who was standing with “Melchizedek king of Salem” (Gen 14:17). Salem means Peace; and in Psalms we find that the city of Salem is really Jerusalem (Ps 76:2). This Melchizedek was also known as a “priest of the most high God” (Gen 14:17). There was no Law at that time denoting a priestly order. In fact Levi would still be in the loins of Abraham. Melchizedek ministered to Abram and brought him “bread and wine” (Gen 14:18). What? Does this mean they had Communion? No, but it is interesting that we find the symbols. Abram then paid tithes to Melchizedek; and after, the priest blessed Abram.

Melchizedek blessed Abram; and the greater always blesses the lesser. Thus the Order of the Levitical, bowed to the Order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek gave to Abram; and Abram gave to Melchizedek, but the king of Sodom had no part in the encounter. As priests we must make sure we don’t include outside kingly orders into the kingdom, or outside priestly orders into our Order.

Genesis 14 is the first time we find the word “Tithes”; and there are some things attached here to show a division between the two Orders. Abram didn’t have a law or commandment telling him to give tithe; and Melchizedek didn’t ask for tithe, neither did he take it. But he did receive it.

Melchizedek Order: Later Jacob will use the word “tithe”; but in his case it was to manipulate God and that tithe fell under the Law. This tithe is not for the “storehouse”; it’s between two men who loved God. That is/would be one area that is vastly different between the Levitical Order and the Melchizedek Order.

Under the Levitical order, the priests were commanded to take tithe, which means the choice to give was not an option for the people; if they didn’t tithe, they were considered to be thieves. Under our order we do not take tithe; we receive it and freely give it based on a New Nature. These are two very different premises; thus the Levitical giving is based on Commandment, while the Melchizedek giving on Nature. (New Nature in Christ)

In Romans we find that there are gifts of Grace, or better stated…we find attributes associated with Grace. Among them is “giving,” but “with Simplicity” (Rom 12:8). The word Simplicity here, in the Greek means, “Liberally, with a virtue that is free of pretense and hypocrisy.” This is perhaps the clearest area where we see, “the change in Natures,” which always produces a change in Attitude.

Without a doubt, there are two Orders; a “tither” under the Old Covenant has their tithe honored by God, but that doesn’t mean God looks upon the person. Under the Old, the deed was sent to God by the Law; and God put a Power into the Law so that the deed could be blessed. The person then, received the blessing from the deed, but since the Law had the power, that meant that God didn’t have to look upon the person, or even consider the person or the deed.

Under the New, we find that God loves a cheerful giver (II Cor 9:6-8). What is the difference? The difference shows in the “Nature” of the giver in that a cheerful giver is one who doesn’t give based on necessity (promise of a return), or grudgingly (twisting the arm). The “grudgingly” attitude was evident in the Old, in that the priests under the Old “took tithe.”

A cheerful giver is seen of God, or less…. how could God love them? They don’t need pictures of starving people, or promises of return; they listen to their heart and do as they are told with a cheerful attitude. Anyone who invests in a sure thing can jump for joy; but only a cheerful giver can remain cheerful even if there is no return.

Entry by “The Door”: Under the Old, the priests had a commandment to take tithe; that is not the case under the New. Since the priests under the New “receive tithe,” we find that any priest “who take tithe” is doing so illegally; and they become a thief. In Malachi God did tell a certain type of people to Prove Him by giving their tithe and then to watch and see how He would open the widows of heaven for them; however, we must see the type of person He is talking to. “You have said, It is vain to serve God: and what profit is it that we have kept His ordinances, and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord” (Mal 3:14). These to whom this was directed were/are self-based people, and were only serving God for what they could/can get out of it (their giving). Of course the windows of heaven will open for the tither under the law; but the Door is closed. Anyone who attempts to make entry by the Window is a thief; those who have been granted entry by the Door are members of the House. The point being, there are Orders for the priesthoods, and we cannot mix one into the other.

There are other differences as well; part of our priestly function is to be prepared; and the Bride made herself ready. If we are Christ’s, then we are the true worshipers of the Lord; and as such, our priestly function is to present the sacrifice of praise unto the Lord (Jere 33:11 & Heb 13:15).

Under the Old, the people brought their sacrifice to the priest to have it inspected and accepted. Under the New we accept the Sacrifice of Christ and present it to the people.

Under the Old, the high priest would sprinkle the vessels with the blood of the sacrifice. Under the New we are the “elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto Obedience and Sprinkling of the Blood of Jesus Christ” (I Pet 1:2).

Hebrews 3:6 tells us that Christ is a Son over His own house, whose house we are, referring to the Body. Thus He is our High Priest; and we are priests. We all know that there is the Law of The Spirit, but we forget that “The Law” came about because of the change in the Priesthood (Heb 7:12).

Our priesthood is Spiritual in nature, not carnal. The Law of Moses has carnal ordinances; our Law does not. It behooves a priest under the New to vacate carnal thinking and behavior from their priestly functions… which is as we know, a Renovation.

As priests, “we enter the Rest of God and cease from our own works.” We believe in the Lord regardless of the event, or adversity. We are to be merciful to the people of God and hold to the hope that is before us, as an anchor to our souls. Above all, we keep the Doctrine of Christ holy; and as the Just, we live by faith.  We are not of them who fall back to perdition, but of them who believe unto the saving of our souls.

Yes, we are kings and priests unto God, a wonderful, precious people, ordained, appointed, and anointed for His service. God called us as such, and gave us the ability to rule in our kingdom. That’s important, since it removes all the excuses; but we must add a principality, which is the renewing of our mind (Rom 12:2)….

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Integrating into the New with the guidance of God: If we attempt to be a king by using the things of darkness, we will produce a dark kingdom that is self-based; and this ends with separation from God. We must allow the Holy Ghost to point out those things that need to go and work with Him in removing them. How do we do this? We say unto that Mountain, “Go!” and as we do we are to doubt not, but believe that God is able.

Some of those old furnishings will attempt to regain entry; but we as kings, can banish them from the kingdom. That is something no one before the Cross of Jesus had the ability to do; thus they were not required of God to do it. That all changed with Grace; and to whom much is given, much is required.


Note: The use of SOZO Bible Study Lessons, Newsletters or Short Studies (written/penned by Pastor G. Evan Newmyer as scribe and author, prior to his passing from this world) has been given to Ann M. Wolf by written permission from the author, as was customarily granted to alumni of the Sozo Bible Institute. This limited permission is given under clear agreement to never “charge” specific amounts for the Lessons with the intention of obtaining specific profits, but rather to share the material with others as the Spirit leads, for the purpose of “edification and encouragement,” on a free will offering basis, and while honoring the biblical principal to “teach the truth in love.” We ask then, that the desires of the original scribe (Rev. Newmyer) be respected; therefore the material can be shared among those who are dedicated in their study of the Bible, but shared freely on an offering basis and with respect to the copyright laws of the land and states. All rights are reserved. Read More.

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King James Version – KJV: For greater understanding of these commentaries, please use the Authorized Version of the King James Bible for confirming the Scripture passages mentioned. Please see the article, “Why KJV” by Ann M. Wolf for information regarding why we use KJV. Thank you for visiting our Sozo Short Bible Studies area.