The Scribes
Authors Rev. G. E. Newmyer & Ann M. Wolf
Rev. G. E. Newmyer
The first of our two authors at MOTL is Rev. G. E. Newmyer, a very humble man that put Christ in the spotlight and not himself. Therefore, a browser search will not produce many accolades or even information about him. However, as you read his Sozo Studies, you will come to know the great heart he had for God and His people. Hover over the image of the dove & click the heart read more.
Ann M. Wolf
The second of two authors is Chaplain Ann M. Wolf. She promotes understanding of 2 kinds of Freedom, the first being "Freedom of Soul," via God. The second is "Liberty of Life," due to those who serve in harm’s way. Her spiritual artistry is greatly influenced by The Two Commandments of Jesus, "Love God, Love Others." She also promotes an awareness of our Unity via the Spirit of Christ which we all share. Hover over her image & click musical note to go to her Bio.
KJV Bible
The Bible Version used throughout the MOTL Library is the King James (KJV) which, as we know, was penned by historic figures, yet, as led by the Holy Ghost. Hover over image & click the arrow to link to Chaplain Wolf’s article,"Why KJV?"